Ten Profound Contrasts Between OLA and FANNO

1. Origins and Structure:

The Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) traces its roots to the organized structure of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), forming a cohesive freedom fighter organization. In stark contrast, FANNO constitutes a conglomerate of loosely organized paramilitaries driven by the mission to address the grievances of the Amhara elites. Even the origin of the term FANNO has to do with the word Rebel.

2. Objective Articulation:

OLA stands out for the explicit aims and objectives of the OLF, as reflected in its acronym and clearly stated manifesto. On the contrary, FANNO might be characterized as rebels without a defined cause, motivated by the Amhara elites’ concerns about their diminishing political hegemony. In their armed struggle, they are resorting to expansionism into neighboring regions as a compensatory measure for the loss of their century-old influence over what evolved into the Ethiopia empire.

3. Political Ideologies:

OLA advocates democratic principles in its political struggle, aligning itself with similar movements of oppressed peoples within the Ethiopian empire. Meanwhile, FANNO is labeled not only as undemocratic but also as a supremacist, expansionist, and extremist group engaged in criminal activities.

4. Symbolism and Motto:

OLF-OLA’s motto, “Self-Determination of the Oromo People up to Independence,” encapsulates its manifesto, symbolized by the red-green-red flag featuring the Oromo Odaa tree as its emblem. This flag is popular and cherished by most Oromos. In contrast, FANNO’s unsettling motto, “Amhara Our Departure, Ethiopia Our Destination” (መነሻችን አማራ፤መዳረሻችን ኢትዮጵያ), alongside the Menelik flag, hints at a concerning yearning for 21st-century colonialism. Additionally, their other motto is “One Amhara,” raising questions as to why FANNO does not utilize the Amhara regional flag.

5. Arming Strategies:

OLA strategically arms itself by acquiring military assets from adversaries, thereby earning a reputation as a daring and unique fighting force. In contrast, FANNO, initially armed by federal and regional governments during the Tigray war, fought in collaboration with and alongside the Ethiopian National Defence Force. At that time, they were even praised as heroes and presented with awards by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The trigger point for the Amhara war, which is now approaching its one-year mark, was the disbanding of the Amhara Special Forces (ASF), as well as opposition to peace proposals with Tigray and OLA. Almost all of the ASF joined the FANNO paramilitaries, bringing with them their regional arms supplies. Ultimately, FANNO has been fully armed with federal and regional taxpayers’ money, whether directly or indirectly.

6. Support and Alliances:

OLA enjoys the tacit or explicit support of oppressed nations and nationalities across the Ethiopian empire, establishing a broad alliance. In contrast, FANNO is identified as a lone paramilitary group with no alliance or support from within the Ethiopian empire. It does secure some support from a neighboring country, Eritrea, motivated more by ulterior motives than shared principles. Following the recent spat between Ethiopia and Somalia, the Somali government invited FANNO officials to Mogadishu. However, this move was perceived as a spiteful political maneuver between two groups with nothing in common, and some experts described it as the political joke of the year (Somali and Amhara? Really?).

7. Logistical Support:

OLA relies on its people in rural communities and, to some extent, the Oromo diaspora for logistics. Conversely, FANNO heavily depends on the diaspora and local affluent individuals. What sets apart OLA and FANNO when it comes to support is that of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC) which provides from tacit to explicit support to FANNO. It is public knowledge that the EOC has acted as the political wing of the Amhara people throughout its existence.

8. Position on Political Assassinations:

OLA adheres to a principle against political assassinations, while FANNO incorporates such acts as a pivotal means to their undefined end, mirroring a historical Abyssinian political culture. One wonders why the OLF is designated as a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian parliament and in contrast FANNO yet is not, even after committing dozens of assassinations of political figures, not to mention a multitude of other criminalities.

9. Discipline and Respect for Life:

OLA’s discipline and respect for human life manifest in their videos, treating captives fairly and garnering international respect. In stark contrast, FANNO paramilitaries commit heinous acts on captives, ranging from beheadings to deskinning alive, from severing of genitals to dismemberment. See also item #8 above.

10. Propaganda and Atrocities:

OLA is often used as a scapegoat for atrocities, yet investigations reveal them as staged events by the Oromia Regional Administration. The Karrayyuu massacre, the Wallaga massacre, even the recent Arsii massacre, and many more were blamed on OLA but proven to be propaganda dirty work by the Oromia Regional Administration. Most importantly, the falsehoods were exposed by members of the country’s parliament and lately by international investigative reporting. On the other hand, there are credible reports that FANNO at times has colluded with the government’s sinister plans to tarnish OLA’s reputation, while simultaneously achieving their goals (such as expansionism) and in the process committing untold atrocities. As a side note, it just shows that the government of Ethiopia would go to any length to use one faction group against the other with total disregard for the impact on innocent people.

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